
Prof. Ayantha Gomes
Faculty of Engineering | Civil Engineering
Career Summary
Academic and researcher in Civil and Environmental engineering.
Chartered Engineer and reciepient of Presedential awards for scientific publications in 2014.
Specialist in water and environment with expertise on urban ecosystems, urban waterways and hydrology, headwater streams, environmental impact assessments and waste management. Real estate economics is the minor specialization with special emphasis on condominium apartments.
Has professional and academic experiences in Sri Lanka, Hong Kong (SAR), and Japan.
- PhD (Saitama University, Japan)
- MSc (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)
- BSc (Eng) Hons (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)
- Presidential awards for scientific publications (2014)
- Researcher of the year award, SLIIT (2018)
- Certificate of Merit of recognition of the research performance - citations (2020), SLIIT
- Certificate of Special recognition of the research performance - top 10% Scopus Cite score index (2020), SLIIT
Research Interests and Memberships
Research Interests
- Stream, river and urban waterways rehabilitation
- Temporary (ephmeral) streams
- Real estate economics
- Eco-hydraulics
- Climate change and construction industry
- Member, The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka
- Technical committee member, Green Building Council, Sri Lanka
- Member, The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Ongoing Research
- Dutch canal (Colombo canals) rehabilitation (funds from National Research Council, Sri Lanka; NRC 17-066)
- Ecological rehabilitation of Yuen Long Nullah, Hong Kong
- Stream flow generation of headwater streams
My Publications
Journal Publications
- Gomes, P. I. A, Wai, O. W., & Yan, X. F. " Eco?hydraulic evaluation of herbaceous ecosystems below headwater dams without a base flow: Observing below dam reaches as new stream sources " Ecohydrology, vol.10(1), 2018, doi: 10.1002/eco.1774,
- Gomes, P. I. A, & Wai, O. W. H. " In-stream physical heterogeneity, rainfall aided flushing, and discharge on stream water quality " Water Environment Research, vol.87(8), , 2018, pp.758-768.,
- P. I. A. Gomes, O. W. H. Wai " Sampling at mesoscale physical habitats to explain headwater stream water quality variations: comparison with sampling at equal distances and implications of season and rainfall aided flushing " Journal of hydrology, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.11.009 ,
- P. I. A. Gomes, O. W. H. Wai, R. K. A. Kularatne, T.D.P. Priyankara, K.G.M.S. Anojika, G. .M. N. R. Kumari " Relationships between disturbance representative riparian and non-riparian herbaceous indicators (biomass and diversity) and lotic water quality: applicability of herb intensive strategies on rehabilitation of lotic waters " Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, , vol.225 (9), , 2018, pp.1-18; , doi: 10.1007/s11270-014-2060-4,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. Asaeda, " Phytoremediation of heavy metals by calcifying macro-algae (Nitella pseudoflabellata): Implications of redox insensitive end products " Chemosphere, vol.92: , 2013, pp.1328–1334 ,
- Li, A., Deng, W., Zhao, W., Liu, B., Zhang, J., Kong, B., Xi Nana, Biana, J., Koirala, H.L., Gilani H., Satie, V. P., Gomes, P. I. A., and Khanal N. R., " A geo-spatial database about the eco-environment and its key issues in South Asia " Big Earth Data, vol.2(3), , 2018, pp.298-319,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. Asaeda " Impact of calcium and magnesium on growth and morphological acclimations of Nitella: implications on calcification and nutrient dynamics " Chemistry and Ecology, vol.26, 2011, pp.479-491 ,
- T. Asaeda, P. I. A. Gomes, K. Sakamoto, Md. H. Rashid " Tree colonization trends on a sediment bar after a major flood " River Research and Applications, vol.27, 2018, pp.976-984 ,
- T. Asaeda, P. I. A. Gomes, E. Takeda " The spatial and temporal development of tree colonization in a midstream sediment bar and the governing mechanisms of tree mortality during flood " River Research and Applications, vol.26, 2010, pp.960-976 ,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. Asaeda, " Phycoremediation of Chromium (VI) by Nitella and impact of calcium encrustation " Journal of hazardous materials, vol.166, 2009, pp.1332-1338 ,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. Asaeda, " Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of Eragrostis curvula in the downstream flood meadow of a regulated river, and the implications for flood plain management " Annales de Limnologie- International Journal of Limnology, , vol.45, 2009, pp.1-45,
- M. W. Jayaweera, P. I. A. Gomes, S.L.J. " Iron and manganese removal from textile effluents in anaerobic attached-growth bioreactor filled with coirfibres " Water Science and Technology , vol.55, Issue 8-9, 2007,
- Randima, W. A. H., Wijethilaka, M. A. D. K., Kumara, G. H. V. S., & P. I. A. Gomes " Deflectors to introduce heterogeneity to canals. " IEEE Explorer , 2017,
- Gomes, P. I. A, & Wai, O. W. H. " Investigation of Long-Term River Water Quality Trends in Hong Kong to Identify Role of Urbanization, Seasons and Pollution Sources. " Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, vol.231, Issue 7, 2020, pp.1-15,
- Gomes, P. I A., Aththanayake, U., Deng, W., Li, A., Zhao, W., & Jayathilaka, T. " Ecological fragmentation two years after a major landslide: Correlations between vegetation indices and geo-environmental factors " Ecological Engineering, vol.153, 2020,,
- Gomes, P. I. A, & Wai, O. W. H " Concrete lined urban streams and macroinvertebrates: a Hong Kong case study " Urban Ecosystems, vol.23, Issue 1, 2020, pp.133-145,
- Gomes, P. I. A, Samararatne, S., Wai, O. W. H, & Perera, M. D. D. " Impact of increased instream heterogeneity by deflectors on the removal of Hydrogen Sulfide of regulated urban waterways?a laboratory study " Water Environment Research, vol.In press, 2020,,
- Gomes P. I. A. and Yathushan V " Condominium price dynamics in Sri Lanka: correlation with inflation and periods of concern " Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, vol.In press, 2020,
- Gomes, P. I. A, Wai, O. W.H, & Dehini, G. K. " Vegetation dynamics of ephemeral and perennial streams in mountainous headwater catchments " Journal of Mountain Science , vol.17, Issue 7, 2020, pp.1684-1695,
Book Chapters
- T. Asaeda, P. I. A. Gomes, M. H. Rashid, M. M. Bahar " Morphology and biomass allocation of perennial emergent plants in different environmental conditions- A review " Felice DeCarlo and Alessio Bassano (Eds),, Freshwater Ecosystems and Aquaculture Research, Hauppauge, New York, 2009, Nova Science Publishers,
Conference Proceedings
- L. A. Sumendra, P. I. A. Gomes, and B. A. V. W. Fernando Hydraulic performance of urban canals in Colombo: implications on transport of suspended constituents in 112th Annual sessions of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, year 2018,
- P. I. A. Gomes, B. A. V. W. Fernando Transport and mixing signature of urban canals in Sri Lanka: implications on attenuation and assimilation in 12th International symposium on Ecohydraulics, year 2018,
- P. I. A. Gomes, O. W. H. Spatiotemporal variation of water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in a concrete lined stream network in 12th International symposium on Ecohydraulics, year 2018,
- G. L.S. Dabare, P. I. A. Gomes Impact of southern expressway on land prices in ACEPS, year 2018,
- P. I. A. Gomes, and R.K. Hashan The structure and implications of land prices in Colombo suburbs in 111th Annual sessions of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, year 2017,
- P.I.A. Gomes and W. Weerasekera Harmonising flood safety and ecological rehabilitation in urban lotic waters of Sri Lanka: current status, constraints and solutions in 8th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment, year 2018,
- P. I. A. Gomes, Onyx W. H. Wai, G. Tharmarajah Development of a data base of non-perennial (ephemeral and intermittent) stream flows: hindscast of historical flow rates in 6th Digital Earth Summit, , year 2016,
- P. I. A. Gomes, G. Weerasinghe and R.C.M.Paulnath Deriving eco-hydraulic reference conditions for physical heterogeneity for canals in Colombo in 110th Annual sessions of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, year 2016,
- P. I.A. Gomes, G.K. Dehini, W.D.G.B. Weerasinghe A comparative eco-hydrologic study of perennial and non-perennial streams of a headwater catchment in 72nd Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, year 2018,
- W.H.O. Wai, P. I. A. Gomes, D. Lam, S. W. M. Chan, A holistic approach for sustainable eco-flood channel design for Yuen Long Nullah in Second International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU2015), year 2015,
- Gomes, P. I. A, & Wai, O. W. H. Ecological quality of concreted and unlined sections of a disturbed stream network in Yuen Long, Hong Kong in The 2nd symposium of Benthological Society of Asia, Busan, year 2014,
- P. I. A. Gomes, O. W. H. Wai Physical heterogeneity and rain induced flushing on water quality variation and pollution control of stream. in International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, year 2013,
- P. I. A. Gomes, O. W. H. Wai Comparison of cell-in-series and mesoscale physical habitat sampling for the interpretation of spatiotemporal variation of stream water quality in IAHR Congress, year 2013,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. U. L. Liyanage, & N. M. S. Wasanthi Stoneworts (chara, nitella) as a tool for sustainable Treatment of low strength wastewaters in International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE), year 2010, P. I. A. Gomes, T. U. L. Liyanage, & N. M. S. Wasanthi,
- T. Asaeda, P. I. A. Gomes, M. M. Bahar Charophytes as a tool for phytoremediation of heavy metals, in Ecological Engineering from concepts to applications, International Congress, , year 2009,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. Asaeda Charophytes as a hyperaccumulator of heavy metals and role of calcite encrustation in 112th Annual sessions of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, year 2009,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. Asaeda, L.X. Jie Accumulation of heavy metals by charophytes: A reality? in 7th Joint seminar between Korea and Japan on Ecology and Civil Engineering, year 2018,
- T. Asaeda, P. I. A. Gomes, K. Sakamoto Spatio-temporal trends of tree colonization in a mid- stream sediment bar of a regulated river and major mechanisms on tree removal during a major flood in First Triennial Symposium for the International Society of River Science (ISRS), year 2018,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. Asaeda, Relationship between Chromium accumulation and calcification in Nitella spp in 73rd Limnology conference of Japanese Society of Limnology, year 2018,
- P. I. A. Gomes, T. Asaeda, Spatial distribution and growth characteristics of Eragrostis Curvula in a flood meadow: Effect of soil morphology, water content and water stress in The 55th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, year 2008,