
Prof. Chulantha Kulasekere
Faculty of Engineering | Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Career Summary
- Senior Lecturer, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology 2012-todate
- Dean, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (February 2015 - August 2015)
- Senior Lecturer (Grade I) at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2010-2014)
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II) at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa (2001-2010)
- Head of Department, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa (April 2009 - April 2012)
- Member of the Academic Governing Council, National School of Business Management, 2012
- Director, University of Moratuwa - Zone24x7 Electronic Systems Research Laboratory (September 2007 - September 2008)
- Local Organizing Committee Chair, Seventh International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (WOCN) 2010.
- Member of the IESL Education Committee for the Session 2013/2014
- Member of the steering committee of the Center for Research and Development of the Ministry of Defense, 2012-2015
- Member of the Standing Committee on General Education, National Education Commission (NEC), January 2013 - December 2014
- Local Consultant, Multipurpose Gamma Irradiator Project, Ministry of Technology and Research, January 2010 - December 2013
- Member of the Advisory Committee for Electronic and Electrical Sector to the Export Development Board (Appointed by the Ministry of Industrial Development) January 2010 - December 2012
- Member of the panel of examiners for Advanced Level Hard Technology subject, Department of Examinations, Ministry of Education, 2007.
- Distance Education Course Design Specialist, Distance Education Modernization Project (DEMP) of the Ministry of Education (2008 to 2009)
- Ph.D University of Miami, Coral Gables Florida, USA 2001
- M.Sc. University of Miami, Coral Gables Florida, USA 1996
- B.Sc Eng. in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering 1992
- Recipient of the National Research Council Merit Award for Scientific Publications - 2015
- Recipient of the Presidential Award for Research for the year 2004, awarded in 2010 by the Office of the President of Sri Lanka.
- Recipient of the University of Moratuwa Outstanding Research Performance Award for the
year 2007. - Recipient of a Special Commendation from the Army Commander Major General Lionel Balagalle for civilian services rendered to the Sri Lanka Army, Colombo, November 2002.
- Recipient of the “Outstanding Graduate in Electrical and Computer Engineering - 2001” award, University of Miami, May 20, 2001.
- Recipient of the “Eliahu I and Joyce Jury Award for graduate scholarship in Electrical Engineering”, University of Miami, November 27, 2000.
Research Interests and Memberships
Research Interests
- Uncertainty Management,
- Approximate reasoning,
- Distribute Sensor networks.
- Vision based automation
- Member, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Since 2019
- Institute of Electrical Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Associate member since January 1993, Charted Member since 2011.
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. (IEEE), Student member from 1995-2000, Member since 2001.
Ongoing Research
Power balancing in hierarchical ad-hoc wireless sensor networks
My Publications
Journal Publications
- Indra Dayawansa, Chamith Wijenayake, Chamira Edussooriya, Thusitha Samarasekara, Chamanthi Karunasekara, Dileeka Dias, Kithsiri Samarasinghe, Chulantha Kulasekere, Ranga Rodrigo, Nuwan Dayananda, " “Blended induction program for electronic engineering freshmen,” " nterna- tional Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 2018, pp.1-13,
- Weeraddana D.M, Kulasekere E.C., Walgama K.S., " “Dempster-Shafer Information Filtering Frame- work: Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Evidence Filtering,” " IEEE Sensors Journal,, vol.15, Issue 10, 2015, pp.1-1,
- Tilakarathna C., Bhanusri P., Randeny T., Rupasinghe H., Kulasekere C., " “Image Processing Based Girth Monitoring and Recording System for Rubber Plantations,” " Signal and Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ),, vol.6, Issue 1, 2015,
- Weeraddana D.M., Walgama K.S., and Kulasekere E.C., " Dempster-Shafer Information Filtering in Multi-Modality Wireless Sensor Networks,” " World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technol- ogy, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering,, vol.7, Issue 7, 2013, pp.434-440,
- Gamwarige S. and Kulasekere C., " “Cluster Density of Dependent Thinning Distributed Clustering Class of Algorithms in Ad-hoc Deployed Wireless Networks,” " Journal of Computer Networks and Communications,, 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/781275.,
- Gamwarige S. and Kulasekere C., " An energy efficient distributed clustering algorithm for ad- hoc deployed wireless sensor networks in building monitoring applications " Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering (eJSE) Special Issue: Sensor Network on Building Monitoring: from Theory to Real Application, 2009, pp.pp.11–27,
- Kulasekere E.C, Premaratne K., Dewasurendra D. A., Shyu M-L, and Bauer P. H. " Conditioning and updating evidence " Conditioning and updating evidence, vol.36, Issue 1, 2004, pp.pp 75– 108,
- Hanagan L.M., Kulasekere E.C., Walgama K.S. and Premaratne K. " Optimal placement of actu- ators and sensors for floor vibration control " Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, vol.126, Issue 12, 2000, pp.pp.1380–1387,
- Premaratne K., Kulasekere E.C., Bauer P.H., Leclerc L.-J. " An exhaustive search algorithm for checking limit cycle behavior of digital filters " IEEE Trasactions on Signal Processing, vol.44, Issue 10, 1996, pp.pp.2405–2412,