An online workshop on “Effective Teamwork” will be held on the 23rd of March 2021 from 10.30 am to 12.00 noon via Zoom Platform. Please use the below Zoom Credentials to join the meeting : Webinar (ZOOM) ID: 923 2293 6644 Passcode: SLIIT
An online workshop on “Effective Teamwork” will be held on the 23rd of March 2021 from 9.00 am to 10.30 am via Zoom Platform. Please use the below Zoom Credentials to join the meeting : Webinar (ZOOM) ID: 923 2293 6644 Passcode: SLIIT
SLIIT Business School presents 13th virtual guest lecture with Fonterra Brands Lanka. Connect with virtual session on “Sales Negotiation and Wining the Customer Mind” which will be hosted by Fonterra Brands Lanka for SLIIT undergraduates, 20th March from 4.00 P.M to 06.00 P.M. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 937 0431 8114 Passcode: Jwz1ei