
Dr. Lakmini Malasinghe
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Engineering | Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Career Summary
- 01st April 2023 to date: Assistant Professor - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SLIIT
- 01st July 2023 - 31st December 2023: Head of Department - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SLIIT
- September 2020 to 31st March 2023: Senior Lecturer (Higher Grade) - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SLIIT
- July 2015 - August 2020: Lecturer - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SLIIT
- February 2012 - June 2015: Assistant Lecturer - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SLIIT
- September 2010 - January 2012: Lecturer (Contract) - Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa
- July 2009 - August 2010: Temporary Instructor - Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa
- Doctor of Philosophy - July 2020 - University of the West of Scotland
- Master of Science - 2015 - University of Moratuwa
- Master of Engineering - 2009 - University of Nottingham
- CTHE (University of Colombo) and SEDA (UK)
Erasmus Mundus - Action 2: SmartLink Scholarship Recipient (2015) for doctoral studies.
Research Interests and Memberships
Research Interests
- Remote Patient Monitoring
- Contactless Bio-signal Detection and Monitoring
- Technology for Healthcare
- Digital Signal and Image Processing
- Signal Processing for Forensic Applications
- Optical Fiber Communication and Lasers
- Biomedical Engineering
Associate Member - Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL)
Member - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Ongoing Research
These days I am working with my research student(s) on remote heart rate detection and fall detection technologies. Students interested in these areas or any of my other research interests are welcome to email me for undergraduate or postgraduate research.
Ongoing topics (postgrad):
1. Contactless HR and HRV detection using feature extraction
Available topics (MPhil):
1. Non-invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring
2. ECG Patch for continuous monitoring
3. Alzheimer's/Parkinsons diseases monitoring
4. IOT for differently-abled persons
5. Remote monitoring of Neonatal/Infant/Post-accident/Post-surgery patients
6. Wound Management using image processing
My Publications
Conference Proceedings
- Lakmini Malasinghe, Ruwan Weerasuriya Modeling of Optical Carrier Recovery using Four Wave Mixing Technique for Binary Phase Shift Keying Systems in MERCon 2015, year 2015, IEEE, 8th April 2015,
- L. Malasinghe, S. Katsigiannis, N. Ramzan, K. Dahal Remote Heart Rate Extraction Using Microsoft KinectTM V2.0 in Proceedings of the 2018 10th International Conference in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology, year 2018, Netherlands,
- K.M.S.T. Gunaratne, V.P. Senanayaka, E.I. Walakuluarachchi, Lakmini Malasinghe A Multifunctional Communication System for Differently Abled People in 2nd SLIIT International Conference on Engineering and Technology (SICET 2023), year 2023, Malabe, Sri Lanka, pp.(documents not released yet), 25th March 2023,
- Shehani Jayasinghe, Stamos Katsigiannis, Lakmini Malasinghe Comparative Study of Face Tracking Algorithms for Remote Photoplethysmography in 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), year 2023, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2023,
Journal Publications
- Lakmini P. Malasinghe, Naeem Ramzan, Keshav Dahal " Remote Patient Monitoring: a comprehensive study " Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer, vol.10, 2019, pp.57:76,,
- L Malasinghe, S Katsigiannis, K Dahal, N Ramzan " "A comparative study of common steps in video-based remote heart rate detection methods" " Expert Systems with Applications - Elsevier, vol.207, 2022,,
- H.L. Anjana Rasanga Jayasundara, Lakmini Malasinghe " Machine Learning-Based Indoor Localization System with Human-Computer Interaction System " JAET, vol.2, Issue 1, 2023,
- G.M.T.S. Gajanayake, W.E.M.K.D.D. Ekanayake, G.D.C. Malinda, Lakmini Malasinghe, Subashini De Silva " Smart Health Monitoring System " JAET, vol.2, Issue 2, 2023, pp.Not released yet,