The Mobile Application Development for Android Program teaches the participants how to build
a high performing and attractive Android Application for the Android Device by teaching them
the architecture, API and other techniques.
This program has been revised by including the Programming Basics thus students who does
not possess an advance knowledge on Information Technology would be able to easily
understand the training provided and develop an Android Application on their own at the end of
the program.
01 – Java for Android
- Language features
- Control statements
- Data Structures
- Classes and Interfaces
- Java Collections Framework
- Use of Common tools
02 – Introduction to Android Environment and Architecture
- Background
- An Open Platform for Mobile Development
- Native Android Applications
- Android SDK Features
- Introducing the Development Framework
- Developing for Android
- Developing for Mobile Devices
- To-Do List Example
- Android Development Tools
03 – Creating Applications and Activities
- What Makes an Android Application?
- Introducing the Application Manifest
- Using the Manifest Editor
- The Android Application Life Cycle
- Understanding Application Priority and Process States
- Externalizing Resources
- A Closer Look at Android Activities
04 – Creating User Interfaces
- Fundamental Android UI Design
- Introducing Views
- Introducing Layouts
- Creating New Views
- Creating and Using Menus
- Creating Drawers
05 – Intents, Broadcast Receivers, Adapters, and the Internet
- Introducing Intents
- Introducing Adapters
- Using Internet Resources
- Introducing Dialogs
06 – Data Storage, Retrieval, and Sharing
- Android Techniques for Saving Data
- Saving Simple Application Data
- Saving and Loading Files
- Databases in Android
- Introducing Content Providers
07 – Fragments
- Create a Fragment Class
- Add a Fragment to an Activity
- Building a Flexible UI
- Add a Fragment to an Activity at Runtime
- Communicating with Other Fragments
08 – Working in the Background
- Introducing Services
- Using Background Worker Threads
- Let’s Make a Toast
- Introducing Notifications
- Using Alarms
- Using Notification Manager
09 – Firebase
- Connect to Firebase
- Json
- View records
- Insert records
- Update records
- Delete records
- Communication
Batch |
Schedule |
Venue |
Weekend Batch |
Saturday |
1.30 p.m to 5.30 p.m |
SLIIT Metro Campus |
Commencing on |
- |
Program Duration | : | 52 Hours |
Program Fee |
Rs.39,380/-(Rs.20,190 x 2)
Program fee can be paid to/transferred to Bank of Ceylon in favor of the SLIIT current A/C 0072821605 and the receipt should be emailed to before the commencement of the Program.Following are the required Payment Details:
Please include your Full Name, Home Address, NIC Number, Mobile Number, Email Address and Minimum Qualification when emailing the payment receipt. |
Contact |
Hotline: 077300066 | General: 0117544802 / 0112301904 |