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Message from the Dean

At the Faculty of Engineering, we aim to produce world class graduates readily employable in industry. The faculty pursues the institute’s mission by focusing on excellence in higher learning, research and other professional activities in engineering. A new engineering complex with state-of-the art facilities is available for students to achieve high level of learning experience under the guidance of more than hundred highly qualified fulltime academic staff consisting of more than 25 PhD holders. A new fourteen story academic building complex is being constructed to accommodate the increasing demand for the courses offered at the Faculty.

The Faculty of Engineering comprises of five academic departments. The faculty at present offers Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka approved four year Bachelor of Science of Engineering Degrees in four disciplines; Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering. Under these four major disciplines, we offer over eight specializations, including the specialization in Mechatronic Engineering. Further, the Faculty offers four year Bachelor of Engineering degrees in three disciplines: Civil and Construction Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in partnership with the Curtin University, Australia. All the Curtin University degree programs offered in the Faculty are accredited by Engineers Australia, and as a result all our Curtin graduates get two year work visa in Australia after their graduation. Furthermore, the Department of Quantity Surveying in the Faculty of Engineering offers the highly recognized three year Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Quantity Surveying in partnership with the Liverpool John Mores (LJMU), UK. The Quantity Surveying degree we offer is RICS accredited in UK and we are in the process of getting the RICS accreditation for our delivery in the Faculty as well.

Apart from the above stated undergraduate degrees, we are granted permission by the Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka to offer research degrees leading to MPhil and PhD. We carry out research in collaboration with state institutions, local industry, international institutions and foreign industry. Faculty of Engineering secures more than Rupees hundred million worth of research funding from those institutions per year and close to twenty postgraduate research students are currently engaged in their research work seeking the aforementioned postgraduate research degrees.

As a leading higher educational institute in Sri Lanka, SLIIT will play a critical role in educating and developing high talent, and in attracting and retaining good local and international students, faculty and visionaries across its many disciplines.

As the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of SLIIT, I am grateful to all our staff for their continued support in raising our standards to greater heights, and maintaining that high standards in delivering both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Furthermore, I am grateful to our parent institution, SLIIT, for providing us with necessary resources, excellent educational infrastructure and university environment to engage in our mission. There has never been a more important stage to engage and transform the talent base that can look beyond the traditional economic and social boundaries, and Sri Lanka’s future will indeed depend on that.

Professor Ayantha Gomes

Dean – Faculty of Engineering

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