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The department is dedicated to offering high-quality education in Civil Engineering leading to the award of University Grants commission/Ministry of Higher Education approved Civil Engineering Bachelor’s degree programme, and Postgraduate degree programmes. Currently, the Postgraduate degree programs are purely research-based (MPhil and PhDs) and it is expected to start a Masters taught course programme in 2023.


To be a leader in Asia in Civil Engineering education, research and innovation (Civil)


To provide an advanced technological experience by ensuring a state-of-the-art learning environment in Civil Engineering to produce graduates with strong analytical, problem-solving and communication skills for sustainable development; and to allow staff and students to perform research and development through national and international partnerships and by providing a facility for industrial outreach

Laboratories and Equipments

Shearing force apparatus, Bending Moment Apparatus, Deflection of Beam Apparatus, Curved Beam Testing Apparatus, Buckling of Strut Testing Apparatus, Stress concentration measuring beam, Longitudinal Shear Force Demonstration Apparatus; moment of inertia of fly-wheel apparatus.

Universal Testing Machine, Beam Tester, Compression Testing Machine, Concrete mixers, sieve analysis test apparatus, concrete casting moulds, Slump Cone testing apparatus, AIV apparatus, Core drill Machine, Drying Oven

5 m tilting flume, 10 m long experimental multi-purpose flume, centrifugal pump test apparatus, pumps in series/parallel apparatus, hydraulic bench, stability of Pontoon apparatus, Osborne Reynolds apparatus, Bourdon gauge, Pressure measuring apparatus

Total stations (10 Nos), Auto Levels (10 Nos), Theodolite (5 Nos) and accessories

Sieve Analysis Test apparatus, sand cone apparatus, core cutter apparatus, lab and field vane shear apparatus, consolidation test apparatus, direct shear test apparatus, Liquid limit test apparatus, plastic limit test apparatus, hydrometer, proctor compaction test, falling head permeability test, triaxial test apparatus, Unconfined compression test apparatus.

Metrocount equipment, Speed guns, Tally counters, Arc GIS software, VISSIM software, Mini drone camera, Ring and ball apparatus, CBR test, LAAV apparatus, Point load test apparatus, Marshal Test apparatus, Drying Oven, Viscometer

Spectrophotometer, Colorimeter, 2 Turbidity meters, 2 Aqua-combo meters (which can measure DO, EC and pH), Jar test apparatus, Filtration apparatus, 1 BOD Incubator, 2 BOD apparatus, 1 COD digester, Colony counter, 2 Hot plates, one magnetic stirrer with hot plate, Refrigerator, Deep-freezer, Autoclave, Muffle furnace, 1 Analytical balance, Water bath, Water distillation apparatus, Ultra-pure water system, Microscope, Drying Oven, Fume hood,

Proposed facilities - Gantry crane, Full-scale testing and component testing, Vibration tables, Smart infrastructure

Academic Staff

Dr. Janaka Perera

Head | Department of Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering View Profile

Prof. Ayantha Gomes

Civil Engineering View Profile

Prof. Saman Thilakasiri

Senior Professor
Civil Engineering View Profile

Prof. Anurudda Puswewala

Civil Engineering View Profile

Prof. Asoka Perera

Civil Engineering View Profile

Prof. Shiromi Karunaratne

Civil Engineering View Profile

Prof. Niranga Amarasingha

Civil Engineering View Profile

Prof. Priyan Dias

Consultant Professor
Civil Engineering View Profile

Prof. Saman Bandara

Consultant Professor
Civil Engineering View Profile

Dr. Nihal Somaratne

Senior Lecturer (Higher Grade)
Civil Engineering View Profile

Dr. Gobithas Tharmarajah

Senior Lecturer (HG) & Executive Director/Value Engineering Cell
Civil Engineering View Profile

Dr. Nandika Miguntanna

Senior Lecturer (Higher Grade)
Civil Engineering View Profile

Dr. Dhammika Dharmaratne

Senior Lecturer (Higher Grade)
Civil Engineering View Profile

Dr. Chandima Somarathna

Senior Lecturer (Higher Grade)
Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Felix Weerakkody

Visiting Consultant
Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Hemantha Bandara

Senior Lecturer
Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Susantha Wanniarachchi

Senior Lecturer
Civil Engineering View Profile

Dr. Lahiru Lindamulla

Senior Lecturer
Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Udara Perera

Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Dinitha Vidurapriya

Civil Engineering View Profile

Ms. Sihara Gallage

Civil Engineering View Profile

Ms. Imasha Pasqual

Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Sudara Withana

Assistant Lecturer
Civil Engineering View Profile

Ms. Charuni Madhushani

Assistant Lecturer
Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Kamal Amaraweera

Training Engineer
Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Bimash Wimalasuriya

Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Zakib Ahamed

Civil Engineering View Profile

Ms. Madhavi Herath

Civil Engineering View Profile

Mr. Yasiru Samarasinghe

Civil Engineering View Profile

Administration Staff

Name Position Telephone E-mail
Mr. Anthony Martin Training Engineer +94 11 754 4308
Mr. Sachintha Karunarathne Technical Officer -
Mr. Kasun Nawarathne Laboratory Assistant -
Mr. Kamal Amaraweera Training Engineer -
Ms. Mayanthi Sandanayake Manager-Administration +94 11 754 4330
Ms. Sachini Hapangama Management Associate - Grade I +94 11 754 4302
Ms. Hiruni Hansika Weerakkody Junior Executive  - Grade I -
Ms. Yasara Lasandi Junior Executive (Grade II) -
Ms. Lakmi Ranasinghe Management Associate - Grade I -
Mr. Pathum Udawaththa Facility Management Executive - Grade II +94 11 754 4315
Mr. Kumara Pitipanaarachchi Technical - G I - Civil +94 11 754 4335
Ms. Thavishi Chandratilake Technical Higher Grade - Civil -
Ms. Sachini Weerasekara Technical Higher Grade - Civil -


Key Researcher (s):
Dr. Nihal Somaratna, Prof. Priyan Dias, Dr. Gobithas Tharmarajah, Dr. Janaka Perera, Eng. Sanathanan Velauthapillai, Eng. Pasindu Meddage

Department is engaged in developing cement-based concrete with the partial replacement of natural materials such as coconut fibre, rice husk ash etc. to enhance their tensile strength and improve permeability characteristics. Furthermore, there are other researches related to the investigation of heat transfer through roof slabs, theoretical and numerical evaluations of corrosion resistance in reinforcement materials, analogy approaches for developing a resilience index, by applying the concepts of robustness, redundancy and ductility etc.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Munidasa Ranaweera, Prof. Priyan Dias, Dr. Nihal Somaratna Dr. Gobithas Tharmarajah

Proper models for the degradation of building elements are essential for well-planned maintenance, especially for local authorities that have a significant asset base. There are ongoing research related to the development of a stochastic-based service life prediction model to track the rapidly deterioration of bridge structures, investigation of cracks in the dams, and modelling using finite element methods to enhance the stress behaviour in historical structures such as stupas.

Key Researcher (s):
Dr. Nihal Somaratna, Prof. Priyan Dias, Prof. Upaka Ratnayake, Prof. Ayantha Gomes, Eng. Pasindu Meddage

Studying the resilience of structures under natural forces and hazards is a very prominent discussion and vital for the management of risks facing mankind. Department is engaged in developing a methodology for calculating a relative risk index for public buildings during Tsunami resilience. Furthermore, there are other ongoing researches which examines the effects of earthquakes on critical structures (dams etc.) using finite element simulations and investigation of wind pressure on buildings.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Saman Thilakasiri, Eng. Sanathanan Velauthapillai

We are focusing on studying landslides/ or slope failures, soil behaviour under the primary and secondary consolidation, investigation of properties of soft grounds to ensure the constructability and long-term performance of the proposed structures, ground improvement techniques, and quality control of the constructed piles etc.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Shiromi Karunaratne, Prof. Ayantha Gomes

We are aiming of developing methods and tools to assess building sustainability based on life cycle thinking, triple bottom analysis etc..  The department is also engaged in research related to rating tools for sustainable built environments.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Upaka Rathnayake, Eng. Susantha Wanniarachchi, Eng. Pasindu Meddage

Climate change is a key parameter that involves various research fields. Department is engaged in research related to the assessment of the impacts of concurrent changes in climatic conditions and Land Use / Land Cover (LULC) on flood events in the major river basins, prediction of future climate using machine learning methods etc.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Ayantha Gomes, Prof. Upaka Rathnayake, Eng. Susantha Wanniarachichi

The department is engaged in fundamental and applied studies related to all types of rivers ranging from small headwater streams (including ephemeral streams) to large rivers. Some examples include studying flow generation and abstraction losses of ephemeral streams, aggressive river meandering, river regulation and impacts, and rehabilitation of urban lotic waters.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Ayantha Gomes, Prof. Shiromi Karunaratne

Different aspects of environmental pollution such as quantification of pollution, effects on ecosystems and human health, and proposal of remedial measures as being researched. In this regard, the urban waterways were heavily studied  focusing on nutrients, sediment and microplastic pollution, and the impacts of point and non-point sources.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Ayantha Gomes, Eng Felix Weerakkody, Eng. Daminda Niroshana

A range of study objectives such as health and safety, productivity, and socio-environmental impacts of projects are studied referring to different types of civil engineering projects. Also, the department is involved in real estate economics-related research referring Sri Lankan condominium property market.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Niranga Amarasingha, Prof. Saman Bandara, Eng. Isuru Gamalath, Eng. Sarala Gunathilaka

We are focused on research related to image processing technology for detecting, tracking, and classifying vehicles, evaluation of possible mitigating options for traffic congestions, development of effective roadside parking control methodologies, strategies for sustainable transportation systems etc.

Key Researcher (s):
Prof. Saman Bandara, Eng. Kelum Sandamal

We are focused on adopting new trends such as smart pavement technologies to the existing construction projects, especially to the pavements in the country which will uplift the effectiveness of the transportation sector of the country.

Key Researcher (s):
Eng. Himasha Abeysiriwardana, Prof. Ayantha Gomes, Prof. Shiromi Karunaratne, Eng. Vindhya Basnayake

Department has been using remote sensing and GIS tools in studying a wide range of aspects such as natural hazards, hazards mapping (e.g. landslides susceptibility), groundwater pollution, flood risk, river morphological processes etc.

Research with the industry

Name Name of the Project Industry partner/stakeholder Relation to student learning
Prof Ayantha Gomes/ Prof. Upaka Rathnayake/Prof. Saman Thilakasiri/Prof Shiromi Karunaratne/Eng. Sanathanan Velauthapillai/Eng. Hemantha Bandara/Prof. Saman Bandara Aggressive river meandering related issues of Deduru Oya Irrigation Department Understand river hydro/morphodynamics (high level hydraulics fundamentals) and analysis referring a real case
Using satellite and other Remote sensing data to investigate/identify the issues
Using analytical, numerical, and physical models to find a solution
Prof. Saman Thilakasiri Ground improvement – in thick peaty soils MCC (Pvt) Ltd Understand characteristics of peaty soils and their engineering properties referring real cases
Improvement of the peaty soils and assessing the degree of improvement.
Identification of the defects in bored and cast in-situ piles installed in such soils and remedial measures
Prof. Niranga Amarasingha Pavement roughness computation using android-based smartphone application Road Development Authority Understand pavement management and how simple IT tools can be used in a comprehensive manner
Prof. Niranga Amarasingha Pavement rehabilitation and maintenance prioritization using AHP for road network in local area Road Development Authority Understand pavement management and how GIS tools can be used
Prof. Niranga Amarasingha Evaluation of Railway-Roadway level crossing in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Railway User safety and infrastructure management
Prof. Upaka Rathnayake Algorithms in QA/QC of consumer goods A Japanese supermarket chain Using algorithms (the Cascaded Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System) in QA/QC approaches
Prof. Upaka Rathnayake Electricity generation potentials of wind power plants Government and private agencies Modelling power generation potential
Prof Shiromi Karunaratne Restoration of Beira Lake Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation Improving ecosystems services and economic value while maintaining important hydraulic/hydrologic functions (e.g. flood control)
Prof. Ayantha Gomes Management of fly ash of an incinerator designated for medical waste GFC waste management (Pvt) Ltd Management of hazardous waste, alterative materials for concrete, and impact on properties of concrete
Prof. Munidasa Ranaweera Restoration of ancient stupas Restoration of ancient stupas Using finite element methods/approaches in restoration works (all projects were for real cases, e.g. Deliwala Kota wehera)

Message from the Head of the Department

Civil Engineering, perhaps unarguably the oldest engineering discipline and covers a wide range of activities that support civilisation. Civil Engineers mainly deal the built environment, that defines the modern civilisation. As built environment and the natural environment affects each other, Civil Engineers need to have the expertise of the natural environment too. Our program is designed in such a way to produce Engineers that serve the civilisation with sustainable solutions. In this regard we prepare students for a successful career in industry, research, and academia.

Department provide students a comprehensive knowledge in all civil engineering domains, such as structural, geotechnical, hydraulics and hydrology, construction, traffic and transport and environmental engineering. Curriculum is designed to satisfy the requirements stipulated by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka. Department has a strong academic staff base diversified in terms of gender, age, and universities where they obtained the academic qualifications. Also, most of the staff have working experience in local- state run and foreign universities. They are active in research and serves in many professional and scientific bodies. The state-of-the-art laboratories aid smooth delivery of the program, undergraduate and postgraduate and industry-oriented research works, and consultancy.

Civil Engineering department has formal collaborations with local, foreign, government and private organisations for a wide range of interests ranging from research, corporate social responsibility projects, consultancy and so forth, and some interests are with international appeal. As an example, the collaboration on mountain hazards with the prestigious Chinese Academy of Sciences works on fundamental and applied aspects of mountain hazards. Department has a strong publication record with over 20 papers in index journals with most in first quartile of best journals every year.

As the Head, I am pleased to say that our graduates managed to secure employment and graduate opportunities in reputed organisations in Sri Lanka and elsewhere. If you believe you have the passion in Civil Engineering, consider enrolling in our program.

Prof. Ayantha Gomes

Head | Department of Civil Engineering

Research Grants

Name Title of the Project Value/Grant (Rs.) & Period of the Project
P.I.A. Gomes Ecological rehabilitation of canals in Colombo: a design to harmonise flood control and physical heterogeneity National Research Council, Sri Lanka (Rs.

3,060,000) – completed


Development of a model and database to estimate national-level fuel consumption and emissions in the transport sector Rs. 400,000


Ephemeral streams in relation to changes with climate and blackwater events for better resource management and sustainability Rs. 400,000


Quantification of discharge generation in ephemeral streams: implications on water resources


Rs. 400,000


Sediment and microplastic pollution in Surface water bodies of Colombo and suburbs Rs. 400,000


N. Amarasingha Transportation

Engineering (FGSR funds)

Rs. 350,000

(2015-2017) (FGSR)


Safe and Sustainable Mobility Rs. 10,000,000


H.S. Thilakasiri 01). Characteristics of peaty soils and their engineering properties;

02). Improvement of the peaty soils and assessing the degree of improvement.

03). Identification of the defects in bored and cast in-situ piles installed through thick peaty soil deposits and remedial actions.

Rs. 19,628,082, two years from October 2018 – on-going (Industry funded MCC PVT LTD)
S.C.S Karunaratne Development of a tool to conduct environmental life cycle assessment of buildings Rs. 2250,000

(National Research Council, Sri Lanka)

Life cycle modelling of buildings 800,000.00


N. Rajapakse, J. Perera and T.C. Jayaram Effect of Graphene Oxide on Cementitious Composites at Elevated Temperatures Rs. 396,000 (FGSR)
R.M.U.S. Rathnayake Soft computing techniques to predict the rice production in Sri Lanka Rs. 400,000 (FGSR)


Optimal Control of Combined sewer networks based on the quality of the receiving water Rs. 400,000 (FGSR)
Development of Holiday Climate Indices (HCI) and Tourism Climate indices (TCI) to Sri Lankan tourist destinations Rs. 400,000 (FGSR)
Estimation of potential evapotranspiration over different land surfaces in Sri Lanka, using a distributed dual-source evapotranspiration model Rs. 400,000 (FGSR)
G. Tharmarajah A Composition and a method of seepage control using

fibrous material

Rs. 1,600,000 (National Research Council & Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd. (2018-2021)

Collaboration with third party organisations

  • Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (2016-2021 and renewed for another five years in 2021)
  • GFC waste management (Pvt) Ltd (2021)
  • Irrigation department (2022) River meandering and scouring issues of Deduru Oya with special emphasis on Manuwangama Railway Bridge

Research works

  • Performance of concrete and alternative materials for structures
  • Performance of aging buildings and structural health monitoring
  • Resilience of structures under natural forces and hazards
  • Soil mechanics and foundation engineering
  • Sustainable built environment and tools
  • Climate variability and impacts
  • Hydraulics and ecohydrology of rivers
  • Environmental pollution assessment and mitigation
  • Construction project management and engineering economics
  • Planning, design and operations of transportation systems
  • Pavement technology and developments
  • Remote sensing, and geographical information systems and applications
  • Research with the industry

Department Industry Consultative Board Members

Board Members Designation Organization
Eng. B. Kamaladasa Senior Consultant Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resource Management
Eng. R. M. Abeysinghe CEO Pile Test Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.
Eng. Namali Siyabalapitiya Director Planning Road Development Authority
Dr. Vasantha Siriwardhena Team Leader - Consultant Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project
Eng. R. M. Rathnasiri General Manager ELS Construction (Pvt) Ltd.
Eng. C. B. Amarasinghe Addl. General Manager (Implementation) Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation (SLLRDC)
Eng. N. Amunuthuduwa Commercial Director INSEE Cement
Eng. (Mrs) B. A. K. Chandralatha Director Irrigation Department
Eng. Thilak Silva Assistant General Manager MAGA Engineering (Pvt) Ltd.
Eng. Ruwan Edirisinghe Chairman/MD RN Group of Companies
Eng. Shiromal Fernando Managing Director Civil and Structural Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.
Eng.  Arjun Gunathilaka Managing Director San Piling (Pvt) Ltd.
Eng. Samitha Jayakody Deputy General Manager Resource Development Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.
Eng. (Dr.) Asiri Karunawardana Director General National Building Research Organisation
Eng. Nandana Abeysooriya Managing Director NCD Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.
Eng. I. W. Ediriweera Deputy General Manager (Water Reclamation) National Water Supply and Drainage Board
Eng. N. Peiris Chief Executive Officer International Construction Consortium (Pvt) Ltd.
Eng. C. Kumara Deputy Manager (Construction) Nawaloka Construction (Pvt) Ltd.
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