තාක්ෂණික දැනුමින් සන්නද්ධ සිසු පරපුරක් උදෙසා Tech Buzz SL වැඩසටහන් මාලාවේ පළමු webinar වැඩසටහන “කේතකරණය ඔබේ ජීවිතයට” 17 සවස 3.00 ට ZOOM ඔස්සේ ඔබට සම්බන්ද විය හැක. මේ වැඩසටහන මෙහයවනු ලබන්නේ SLIIT ආයතනයේ පරිගණක පීඨයේ , පරිගණක පද්ධති හා ඉංජිනේරු තාක්ෂණ අංශ ප්රධාන ආචාර්ය Nuwan Kodagoda මහතා විසිනි. ඔබත් පහත සදහන් Link එක ඔස්සේ සම්බන්ද
In an era where Sri Lankan education is impeded by various factors, the SLIIT – Faculty of Engineering Malabe, Sri Lanka is determined to offer opportunities for young researchers, scientists, academics and industry practitioners to stay connected with growing research networks and to get their outstanding work visible. The 1st SLIIT International Conference on Engineering
Alumni of SLIIT Business School warmly invite you all to be a part of the ‘Success Story Sharing Session’ of SBS Alumni member Mr. Ishantha Dassanayake on the 10th February 2022 at 6.00 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97518098368?pwd=VUtldEdyclJ5RFJrdkpwdlN5VXJmQT09 Meeting ID: 975 1809 8368 Passcode: 507817
It is with great pleasure and heartiest congratulations we announce that Sandali Thiranagama a graduate of SLIIT School of Architecture who pursued her in BSc (Hons) Architecture degree offered by Liverpool John Moores University at SLIIT and completed her Masters in Architecture at Liverpool John Moores University, UK has been recruited by the renowned award
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