The Imminent Marketer 2014 was held in grand style at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura on 26th Nov. 2014 amidst a large gathering of undergraduates and staff from almost all Sri Lankan state Universities and private higher education institutes. This was the fifth consecutive year of this award ceremony , organized by the Marketing Department of the Faculty of Management and Commerce of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The award ceremony was graced by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura , popular cinema actor Mr. Sanath Gunatilake , senior management from the sponsoring firms and other invitees.
This competition in finding the best talents in marketing among the universities and degree awarding institutes was based on a rigorous process of evaluating the knowledge of marketing and application capability of such knowledge in practical situations by the undergraduate teams who took part in the competition. The presentations made by contestants on specific issues decided by the organizers were evaluated by an expert panel of judges.
The team of six undergraduates from the Faculty of Business emerged winners in the competition category ofa�? Strategic Taska�? and they were placed third in the category of a�?Developing a Digital Marketing Plana�? for a hypothetical company. SLIIT was the only non-state degree awarding institution among the award winners and was also the only recipient of multiple awards.
Congratulations..Shanushka Premabandu, Dilanka Rodrigo, Chamathka Jayasinghe, Hashini Widanapathirana, Shehani Cooray, Nilishi Perera