பதிப்புரிமை 2019 © SLIIT. அனைத்து உரிமைகளும் பாதுகாக்கப்பட்டவை. வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டது மற்றும் உருவாக்கிய கருத்து Web Lankan

Master of Science

in Information Technology – Cyber Security

Master of Science Degree in Information Technology Specialising in Cyber Security is identified as a key global issue facing government, business and individuals.

The widespread use and dependence on online services brings about new challenges of ensuring our digital economy remains secure, resilient and trusted. Increasing vulnerability witnessed by the intensity of malicious cyber activities taking place has led to the urgent need for specialists in the field.

There is currently a demand for graduates with the knowledge and skills required to develop and maintain a secure computing infrastructure, handle and address cyber security threats and manage data access in a distributed network.

Important Dates to Remember

Open Day

7th December 2024

Aptitude Test

21st December 2024

Interview Date

4th January 2025

Registration Closing

22nd January 2025


25th January 2025

Eligibility Requirements

Candidates applying for the Master of Science Degree or Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology Specializing in Cyber Security shall have one of the following qualifications

  • A Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Information Technology of the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT).
  • A Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Computer Science/ Information Technology/Software Engineering from a recognized University in Sri Lanka.
  • A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field from a recognized University/Institute as approved by the SLIIT with relevant experience, where necessary.
  • Membership of a recognized professional institute in a relevant field as approved by SLIIT with relevant experience, where necessary.
குறியீடு தொகுதி கடன்
-----Semester 1-----
IT5010 Advanced Learning and Study Skills 2
IE5012 Principles of Cyber Security 3
IE5022 Applied Network Security 4
IE5032 Information Security Risk Management an Audit 3
IE5042 Software Security 4
-----Semester 2-----
IE5052 Applied Cryptography 4
IE5062 Information Security Management System 4
IE5072 Cyber Forensics & Incident Response 4
IT5090 Research Methods 3
குறியீடு தொகுதி கடன்
-----Semester 1-----
IT6010 Research Project 15
IE6012 Penetration Testing for Enterprise Security 3
IE6053 Enterprise Governance of IT 3
IE6022 Secure Software Lifecycle Engineering 3
IE6032 Information Cyberwarfare 3
-----Semester 2-----
IT6010 Research Project (Contd.) -
IE6042 Emerging Topics in Cyber Security 2
IE6052 Offensive Hacking: Tactical & Strategic 4
IE6062 Mobile and Data Security 4

* Electives to be chosen with the prior approval of the Acadamic Department

பாடநெறி கட்டணம்

Total Payment : Rs. 550,000
Application processing fees Rs. 2,000/= has to be paid in the beginning of the registrations for Master of Science Degrees at SLIIT. Fees can be paid to the bank accounts of SLIIT at any branch.

All inclusive fee to cover lectures, tutorials, examinations, access to computer laboratory facilities and the library and is payable prior to the commencement of the programme.

The fee should be credited to Account No 1630552 of the Bank of Ceylon in favor of Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, at the bank of Ceylon Colpetty branch located at first floor of BOC Merchant Tower building or at any branch of BOC. Or Sampath bank account number 003990000033 of the Sampath bank at any branch of Sampath bank. Course fees are subjected to change.


01st Installment


02nd Installment


03rd Installment


Total Payment

Rs. 550,000

  • All the above payments are subject to Govt.Taxes

Account No 1630552

of the Bank of Ceylon

Account No 00 399 0000033

of the Sampath Bank

Account No 156010007350

of the Hatton National Bank

Refund Policy

Full course fees paid will not be refunded. However, request for refund of fees may be considered if made before expire of one week from the date of commencement of lectures. From the date of commencement of lectures 90% of the paid amount will be refunded. If a request for a refund is received after one week but before the end of the month, 50% of the paid amount will be refunded. Thereafter, there will be no refunds of fees.

Head | Graduate Studies

Course Coordinator

For Inquiries

SLIIT, New Kandy Road, Malabe
Tel: +94 11 754 3134

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